• Question Why does the Quran stress the verse "Which of God’s favors will you twain deny" 31 times in Rahman (Chapter 55) in the Quran?
  • Question In Rahman (Chapter 55) of the Quran, is phrase "thu kazebaan" intended for believers or non-believers?
  • Question In Rahman (Chapter 55) verse 32 of the Quran, are the "two big groups" referring to the Christians and the Jews?
  • Question In Rahman (Chapter 55) verse 20, what was the translation of the prophecy ot two bodies of waters meeting before the Suez canal was built?
  • Question In reference chapter 55, verses 32-40 of the Quran: Who are the jinn and men? Does the "smokeless fire" refer to a comet? Do these verses refer to the advent of the Promised Messiah (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad)?
  • Question In Chapter Rahman of the Quran, what is the meaning of the verse, "And they will be told: ‘This is the Hell which the guilty denied," (55:44) in relation to the previous verse that states, "Which, then, of the favours of your Lord will ye twain, deny?" (55:43) since Hell is not considered a "favour"?